viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

save the drama for your mama

been here already
fells like it has been thousands of years though
the scars are still engraved in my hands
so why do I sense this feeling of strangeness?

I've been drawn into these mere gimmicks of personalities, characters in my life that keeps showing always in the right time but never for the right amount of it.

You can see me falling, but you will never see me crawling back. I call back this threat so there's a place somewhere in which I can feel I'm home.

But, how would this ever happen, if one thing I'm sure is that home is not where I lay, nor where I rest, where I dream... home is where you are.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

no postees en ingles
me da hueva leer en ingles
postea en otro idioma
si kieres en frances
pero no lo hagas en ingles

hahaha creo ke estoy loca
pero eso no es nada nuevo

Selene Artmósferas dijo...

awww, mi chabela! Cuando nos fuimos al Berlin77 saliendo de una junta en la tia tina...jojojooo te invite a exponer esa vez en el erotica fest por que queria un raite y que me consiguieras un jaino buena onda ;)